Orders will be printed according to the product specifications as detailed on the website, for any specific requirements, please detail these requirements on the Upload Form, and confirm with the sales representative for any additional charges during the approval process.
Turnaround times listed during the ordering procedure are estimates, exact delivery times will be confirmed on email, after the approval process. Turnaround is listed as when The Printing Press will despatch the goods. Courier Times will vary according to region and service specified
Turnaround times listed during the ordering procedure are estimates, exact delivery times will be confirmed on email, after the approval process. Turnaround is listed as when The Printing Press will despatch the goods. Courier Times will vary according to region and service specified.
All goods are sent by The Printing Press, packaged and in good order. It is the responsibility of the client to check any damage that may occur during the handling process of the couriers and note so on their waybill before signing. The Printing Press uses reliable couriers however sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. Road Accidents, Bad Weather) deliveries can be delayed. These factors are completely out of our control and The Printing Press cannot be held liable for such an event.
Other than “Collection” all orders will be delivered via Courier, a tracking number can be requested by the client in order to trace goods. The Printing Press, uses various third party couriers, which whom they have had good relations and service.
Quotations are valid for thirty days. Thereafter they will be subject to revision and confirmation. ONLY, written quotations will be accepted and are still subject to sight of original material supplied. Verbal quotations are a mere guide and may not be accurate. 7. WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED? The Mother City, Cape Town, South Africa, see the Contact Us page for Directions, 97 Durban Road, Mowbray..
The Printing Press shall be entitled to charge the amount of any V.A.T. payable whether or not included in the quotation or invoice. 9. PRELIMINARY WORK Work carried out, whether experimentally or otherwise, at customer’s request will be charged for.
Author’s corrections, including alterations in style, and the cost of additional proofs necessitated by such corrections will be charged extra. Proofs may be submitted for customer’s approval, and in that event no responsibility will be accepted for any errors in them not corrected by him on a signed proof.
Until payment in full to The Printing Press, the goods shall remain the property of The Printing Press but the risk therein and all liability to third parties in respect thereof shall pass to the buyer on delivery.
(a) The Printing Press shall not accept returned goods for Credit unless such return has been authorised and the goods are received within ten days by The Printing Press in good condition and The Printing Press reserves the right whether to accept the return of the goods or whether to rectify the goods.
(b) The Printing Press shall not carry out any corrections other than those stated on the signed proof, if other alterations are necessary a surcharge will be enforced.